Efektivitas Program Gerakan Bersama Cegah Stunting Masyarakat Ciamis Oleh Dinas Pengendalian Penduduk Keluarga Berencana Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak Kabupaten Ciamis

Ayu Hayuning Kanti, Endah Vestikowati, Otong Husni Taufiq


Based on the results of the research, that the effectiveness program Gerakan Bersama Cegah Stunting Masyarakat Ciamis by the Office of Population Control, Family Planning, Empowerment of Women, and Child Protection in Ciamis Regency cannot be said to be optimal and not yet fully effective. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness program Gerakan Bersama Cegah Stunting Masyarakat Ciamis by the Office of Population Control, Family Planning, Empowerment of Women, and Child Protection in Ciamis Regency. The research method used is a phenomenological research with a qualitative approach. The primary data sources in this study consisted of 12 informants: Head of Office, Secretary of Office, 5 Family Planning/Family Exemplary Instructors in 5 UPTD P2KBP3A, 5 Cadres/Midwives in 5 Pilot Villages. Sampling technique with the type of purposive sampling. The data collection method was triangulation (passive and candid participatory observation, structured interviews and documentation). Data analysis in this study was carried out by data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. Based on the research results, the program Gerakan Bersama Cegah Stunting Masyarakat Ciamis is not optimal and has not been fully implemented effectively. This can be seen from the obstacles encountered such as not all villages having the KB Village and Dataku House, uneven socialization and team readiness as well as community ownership and understanding of the importance of proper family latrines, not all stakeholders having the ability to coordinate and support the implementation of innovation based on local wisdom through the APBDesa budget.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.56681/da.v20i2.93

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