Aspri Budi Oktavianto, Ambari -



Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Cilacap Nomor 23 Tahun 2012 tentang Penataan dan Pembinaan Pusat Perbelanjaan dan Toko Modern di Kabupaten Cilacap dilatarbelakangi oleh maraknya pendirian toko modern di tengah masyarakat yang berdampak langsung pada perekonomian pelaku usaha di sekitarnya. Perda ini dibuat untuk memberikan proteksi kepada pelaku usaha kecil agar mampu bersaing dengan toko modern, dan sebaliknya toko modern diharapkan mampu bersinergi dengan pelaku UMKM. Namun demikian dampak pelaksanaan perda ini belum dirasakan secara optimal oleh pelaku usaha pasar tradisional, yaitu masih adanya toko modern yang berdiri di sekitar pasar, toko modern yang ijinnya tidak lengkap, sehingga berdampak luas bagi perekonomian masyarakat yaitu omset mereka menurun bahkan ada diantaranya yang tutup operasionalnya. Namun demikian keadilan yang diharapkan dengan lahirnya pelaksanaan Perda No 23/2012 belum sepenuhnya dirasakan oleh pelaku usaha pasar tradisional. Penurunan omset bahkan kondisi ‘gulung tikar’ dialami oleh pelaku UMKM. Hal ini diakibatkan tidak ditegakkannya aturan dalam Perda seperti jam operasional yang melanggar aturan, maish adanya toko modern yang berjarak kurang dari 500 meter dari pasar tradisional. Pelanggaran perda yang dilakukan oleh pemilik toko modern menjadikan usaha pasar tradisional semakin terpuruk.

Kata kunci : Evaluasi Dampak, Toko Modern, dan Keadilan Sosial.



Cilacap Regency Regulation No. 23 of 2012 concerning the Arrangement and Development of Shopping Centers and Modern Stores in Cilacap Regency is motivated by the rise of the establishment of modern shops in the community which has a direct impact on the economy of business operators in the vicinity. This Perda was made to provide protection for small businesses to be able to compete with modern shops, and vice versa modern stores are expected to be able to work in synergy with SMEs. However, the impact of the implementation of this regulation has not been felt optimally by traditional market businesses, namely that there are still modern shops standing around the market, modern shops whose licenses are incomplete, so that it has a wide-ranging impact on the community's economy, namely their turnover decreases and some even close their operations . However, justice expected by the birth of the implementation of Perda No 23/2012 has not been fully felt by traditional market businesses. The decrease in turnover and even the condition of 'bankruptcy' was experienced by SMEs. This is due to the non-enforcement of regulations in the Perda, such as operating hours that violate the rules, such as modern stores less than 500 meters from the traditional market. The violation of local regulations by modern shop owners makes the traditional market business worse.

Keywords: Impact Evaluation, Modern Stores, and Social Justice.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.56681/da.v17i1.19

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Majalah Ilmiah Dinamika Administrasi (MIDA) Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik Universitas Wijayakusuma Purwokerto