Khoirul Abror Ad-Dluha Ghoni, Merintha Suryapuspita, Aresty Indira Wardhani, Nabila Pebriya Azwanda


Education is considered a very important basic need for humans and is the right of every citizen. Through education, individuals have the opportunity to develop their potential, acquire the necessary knowledge and skills and improve their overall quality of life. However, in the midst of migrant workers, there are complexities in the issue of education services, especially for children of migrant workers in Peninsular Malaysia.
Indonesia, as one of the sending countries for migrant workers, faces challenges in ensuring that the children of migrant workers have access to proper education in the countries where they work, such as Malaysia. Data from the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) Johor Bahru in 2015 noted that there were around 2,500 undocumented and school- aged children of Indonesian migrant workers in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, who could not get an education.
To overcome this problem, the Indonesian Consulate General in Johor Bahru adopts various policies and steps in an effort to provide educational services to the children of Indonesian migrant workers. This research aims to understand more deeply the policies implemented by the Consulate General in overcoming the problems of education services for children of Indonesian migrant workers in Johor Bahru.
In addition, this study also aims to describe the obstacles faced by the Consulate General in providing educational services to the children of Indonesian migrant workers in Johor Bahru. These barriers include the availability of adequate educational facilities, necessary licenses, as well as administrative issues related to the children's personal documents.
Overall, it is important to recognize that education is a basic right of every individual, including the children of migrant workers. However, the children of Indonesian migrant workers in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, face barriers in obtaining proper education. This research is expected to provide a deeper understanding of the policies and barriers faced by the Indonesian Consulate General in Johor Bahru in its efforts to provide education services to the children of migrant workers.

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