
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan ekstrak wortel dalam air minum terhadap potongan komersial karkas ayam broiler. Materi yang digunakan adalah 100 ekor ayam broiler berumur 15 hari unsexed. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola searah. Ayam dibagi secara acak menjadi 20 kelompok masing-masing 5 ekor untuk setiap kandang. Setiap 5 kandang yang masing-masing sebagai ulangan digunakan untuk satu macam perlakuan. Empat macam perlakuan yaitu P0 (Perlakuan kontrol tanpa penambahan ekstrak wortel), P1 (Pemberian ekstrak wortel 3 ml/1l air minum), P2 (Pemberian ekstrak wortel 6 ml/1l air minum), dan P3 (Pemberian ekstrak wortel 9 ml/1l air minum). Pakan yang diberikankan adalah pakan komersial dan diberikan secara adlibitum. Setelah ayam berumur 35 hari dilakukan pemotongan 1 ekor per kandang. Parameter yang dikumpulkan meliputi potongan komersial karkas yaitu dada (breast), punggung (brisket), sepasang paha atas (thigh muscle), sepasang paha bawah (drumstic), dan sepasang sayap (wing). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penambahan ekstrak wortel menurunkan (P<0,01) bobot dada, namun berpengaruh tidak nyata terhadap bobot punggung, paha atas, paha bawah, maupun sayap. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa penambahan ekstrak wortel pada air minum tidak memperbaiki potongan karkas ayam broiler yang telah mendapatkan ransum ideal.
Kata kunci : ayam broiler, ekstrak wortel, potongan komersial karkas
The study aimed to find out the effect of adding carrot extract in drinking water on commercial pieces of broiler chicken carcass. The material used is 100 broiler chickens aged 15 days unsexed. The research design used is a Complete Random Design (RAL) unidirectional pattern. Chickens are randomly divided into 20 groups of 5 each for each cage. Each of the 5 cages each as a repeat is used for one type of treatment. Four types of treatment are P0 (Control treatment without the addition of carrot extract), P1 (Giving carrot extract 3 ml / 1l drinking water), P2 (Giving carrot extract 6 ml / 1l drinking water), and P3 (Giving carrot extract 9 ml / 1l drinking water). The feed provided is commercial feed and is given adlibitum. After the chicken is 35 days old, cutting 1 head per cage is made. The parameters collected include commercial pieces of carcass i.e. chest (breast), back (brisket), a pair of upper thigh (thigh muscle), a pair of lower thighs (drumstic), and a pair of wings (wings). The results of the analysis showed that the addition of carrot extract decreased (P<0.01) chest weight, but had no noticeable effect on the weight of the back, upper thighs, lower thighs, and wings. The conclusion of the study was that the addition of carrot extract to drinking water did not improve the carcass of broiler chicken carcass that had obtained the ideal ration.
Key words: broilers, carrot extract, the commercial pieces
Kata kunci : ayam broiler, ekstrak wortel, potongan komersial karkas
The study aimed to find out the effect of adding carrot extract in drinking water on commercial pieces of broiler chicken carcass. The material used is 100 broiler chickens aged 15 days unsexed. The research design used is a Complete Random Design (RAL) unidirectional pattern. Chickens are randomly divided into 20 groups of 5 each for each cage. Each of the 5 cages each as a repeat is used for one type of treatment. Four types of treatment are P0 (Control treatment without the addition of carrot extract), P1 (Giving carrot extract 3 ml / 1l drinking water), P2 (Giving carrot extract 6 ml / 1l drinking water), and P3 (Giving carrot extract 9 ml / 1l drinking water). The feed provided is commercial feed and is given adlibitum. After the chicken is 35 days old, cutting 1 head per cage is made. The parameters collected include commercial pieces of carcass i.e. chest (breast), back (brisket), a pair of upper thigh (thigh muscle), a pair of lower thighs (drumstic), and a pair of wings (wings). The results of the analysis showed that the addition of carrot extract decreased (P<0.01) chest weight, but had no noticeable effect on the weight of the back, upper thighs, lower thighs, and wings. The conclusion of the study was that the addition of carrot extract to drinking water did not improve the carcass of broiler chicken carcass that had obtained the ideal ration.
Key words: broilers, carrot extract, the commercial pieces
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