DOI: 10.53810/jt.v21i2.367



Batubara merupakan bahan galian strategis yang menjadi salah satu sumberdaya energi nasional bernilai ekonomis. Informasi mengenai sumberdaya serta besar cadangannya menjadi tujuan yang mendasar dalam merencanakan kebijaksanaan dibidang energi nasional, Oleh karena itu penyelidikan pendahuluan sangat penting dilakukan. Kegiatan Penyelidikan Pendahuluan Batubara ini dilaksanakan di area seluas 4.633 ha dan dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui dan memastikan ada tidaknya endapan batubara di daerah tersebut. Dari  penyelidikan didapatkan hasil sebagai berikut : Pencapaian daerah untuk survey relatif mudah,secara fisik kualitas cukup baik yaitu  warna coklat kehitaman - hitam, britel, agak keras-keras, gores hitam, cleat agak rapat, kilap kaca-kusam, pecahan sub konkoidal, pengotor oksida besi, pirit ukuran halus, lempung dan sulfur. Dari 7 singkapan batubara yang dijumpai, yang diambil sebagai sampel untuk uji laboratorium adalah sebanyak 5 sampel. Berdasarkan  hasil uji laboratorium diperoleh nilai kalori SGH-02 dan SGH-03 (seam B) yaitu 6759 - 7007 cal/g,SGH-05 dan SGH-06 (seam A) yaitu 4119 - 4319 cal/g, SGH-07 (seam C) yaitu 7482 cal/g. Terdapat 3 seam batubara yang signifikan dengan tebal masing–masing seam berkisar 0.55 m hingga 1.15 m. Seam A ketebalan 0.65 – 0.97 meter (lignit), Seam B ketebalan 0.55 – 1.15 meter (sub bituminous), Seam C ketebalan 0.70 meter (sub bituminous).


Kata kunci : Penyelidikan, Batubara, Seam  



Coal is a strategic mineral that is one of the national energy resources with economic value. Information regarding resources and the size of their reserves is a fundamental objective in planning policies in the national energy sector, therefore a preliminary investigation is very important. This Preliminary Coal Investigation Activity was carried out in an area of 4,633 ha and was intended to determine and confirm the presence or absence of coal deposits in the area. From the investigation, the following results were obtained: The achievement of the area for the survey is relatively easy, physically the quality is quite good, namely blackish brown color - black, british, a little hard, black scratches, the cleat is rather tight, the glossy-glass is dull, sub-concoidal fragments, impurities iron oxide, fine pyrite, clay and sulfur. Of the 7 coal outcrops found, 5 samples were taken for laboratory test. Based on the results of laboratory test, the caloric values of SGH-02 and SGH-03 (seam B), namely 6759 - 7007 cal / g,SGH-05 and SGH-06 (seam A) were 4119 - 4319 cal / g, SGH-07 (seam C) namely 7482 cal / g. There are 3 significant coal seams, each with a thickness ranging from 0.55 m to 1.15 m. Seam A with a thickness of 0.65 - 0.97 meters (lignite), Seam B with a thickness of 0.55 - 1.15 meters (sub bituminous), Seam C with a thickness of 0.70 meters (sub bituminous).


Keywords: Investigation, Coal, Seam


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